A Brief Introduction & Table of Contents
This series started as an idea for a brief and relatively easy article I could put out for my goal of posting an article of some sort at least once a week. Well, it didn’t take long before I was stumbling into one rabbit hole after another. Now, weeks later the first of at least four articles in the series is ready to go.

My interest in this project began with my befuddlement with the political scene in the United States and a book I started reading about identity from anthropological points of view.[[1]] My long-standing interests have focused on learning and cognition, as well as communities in classrooms and schools, of which “identity” is an important component. In addition, my focus on complex living systems just made the whole situation with politics and identity all the more intriguing.
The expanded version of this initial idea include explorations of (a) the nature and dynamics of identity, including Western and Eastern ideas of ego; (b) how contexts affect identity; (c) how learning and education affect the rigidity or flexibility of identity; (d) how identity influences and is influenced by relationships, groups, and communities; (e) how identity is a major factor in the fractures, double binds, and schismogenesis (or splitting apart) in social, political, and other contexts.
Part 1 — Who Am I? Contexts and Identity
Part 2 — Identity, Education, and Learning
Part 3 -- Psychological Violence Against Children in Schools
Part 4 — Identity in Relationships, Groups, and Communities
Part 5 — Identity and the Fractures, Double Binds, and Schismogenesis in Social and Political Contexts
This series is very grounding and slows down the rush. I find myself travelling out with the author. Thought clusters.…