For me, writing is and has been one of the most powerful ways to learn. Studying for tests was both painful and disappointing. I never felt I learned much of anything. What may have been recalled soon after, was quickly forgotten. Writing forced me to connect and organize my ideas, and then to search out the missing pieces. But, even more importantly, it forced, or maybe it should be, coerced me to think about the implications, to make informed inferences, to look at the bigger picture, the wholes and the holes.
Writing Poetry
Like writing in prose is a powerful way for me to learn. It has more freedom to juxtapose ideas, textures, feelings, humor….
But… sharing poetry has to be one of the most frightening actions I’ve ever taken or will ever take. It’s like one of those recurring nightmares where you’re running naked through the streets of some big city or other crowded location, but have no place to hide.
…. completely naked and totally vulnerable… a sideshow…
… of emotions and bad poetry?
...Gulp… and take the leap…
@ 2024 by Jeffrey W Bloom
I am reading this at dawn...the sky outside still night. My body strangely woken and this article draws me to…