This section contains articles that have been organized around particular thematic clusters, various topics, and those that have not been categorized (i.e., stand-alone articles). These articles vary from more formal and academic in nature to informal and conversational.
- Introduction: From Circuitous Paths of Stuckness to Muddles of Meaning
by Jeff Bloom - Contexts of Learning: Part 1
by Jeff Bloom - Contexts of Learning: Part 2 - Paradoxes
by Jeff Bloom - Learning Together
by Jeff Bloom
more articles in this series are coming....
- How We Are Disconnecting from Ourselves, Others, and the World in Which We Live: Part 1 - An Introduction - by Jeff Bloom
- The Untimely Death of Integrity: The Revised & Extended Version (2024) - by Jeff Bloom
- How We Are Disconnecting from Ourselves, Others, and the World in Which We Live: Part 2: Patterns of Cognition - by Jeff Bloom
- How We Are Disconnecting from Ourselves, Others, and the World in Which We Live: Part 3: Five Contexts of Disconnection - by Jeff Bloom
"Democracy or What?"
by Jeff Bloom
CATEGORIES & TAGS: community, complexity, organizations, groups, politics, schooling, social issues
Teetering On the Precipice
by Jeff Bloom
economy, housing, society, Medieval Age, serfs, serfdom, hate, divisiveness, schooling, authoritarianism, corporatism, capitalism, working together
Day-by-day entries:
- DAY 0 - Introduction
- DAY 1 - The Stream
- DAY 2 - The Mesh
- DAY 3 - Shoes and Paths
- Day 4 - Are Plants Automatons? What about Me?
- Day 5 - The Storm of Individualism
- Day 6 - The Light of Creativity
- Day 7 - Grooving with Gravity
- Day 8 - Levels of Automaticity (or Freedom)
- Day 9 - Thinking about Thinking
- Day 10 - Desire for an Alternative Movement
- Day 11 - Where Is the Tree?
- Day 12 - Attention to Attention
- Day 13 - Scraping by without Meta-thinking
- Day 14 - Black Beetle Moon Night Gratitude
- Day 15 - The Braided Streams of Thinking
- Day 16 - Compressing Time with Imagery
- Day 17 - A Tree at Lyman Lake
- Day 18 - El Morro National Monument
- Day 19 - Bluewater Lake
- Day 20 - Visual Inventions of Light
- Day 21 - A Memory Excavated at Dittert Site
- Day 22 - Emotions Questioned
- Day 23 - Memory For All Time
- Day 24 - Three Weird Sisters
- Day 25 - Help
- Day 26 - Chipping Away
- Day 27 - The Evaluator
- Day 28 - Three Levels
- Day 29 - Awake in Night’s Thickness
- Day 30 - A Second Night of Meta-I
- Day 31 - Funeral
- Day 32 - Thoughts in Clusters
by Tyler Volk
50 days of observations, insights, and
Kindness at Chipotle's Door... and more
by Jeff Bloom
I am reading this at dawn...the sky outside still night. My body strangely woken and this article draws me to…