The list of poetry and stories is more or less in the order in which these works have been posted starting with the most recent and going backwards. The "categories" in which these works fit most notably are listed on the right.
Copyright and Citing the Works
The poetry and stories in this section have been written by our authors and contributors, or by other authors whose work is no longer under copyright, is covered by Creative Commons Fair Use regulation, or has been used with permission from the author or holder of the copyright. Our authors and contributors hold the copyrights or Creative Commons Fair Use rights. Passionate Meanderings does not hold such rights, but does appreciate being included in any citation to or reference of works posted on this website.
List of Poetry
"Clones, Drones, & Monotones"
by Jeff Bloom
CATEGORIES: corporatization, relationships, connections-disconnections
by Jeff Bloom
CATEGORIES: disconnections, cognition, health, relationships
A Gift from Nowhere
a study in emotional ecology"
by Jeff Bloom
CATEGORIES: learning-cognition, relationships
Selling Your Soul to the Status Quo
by Jeff Bloom
CATEGORIES: complexity, corporatization, social issues, relationships, connections-disconnections
List of Stories
The Circle That Was Lyle Lovett
by Laura Bolger
I am reading this at dawn...the sky outside still night. My body strangely woken and this article draws me to…