Jeff Bloom

I'm hopelessly curious and inquisitive. I love to write... mostly because I learn much more by writing. I love photography, but never seem to have enough time to immerse myself. I'm completely fascinated by the organisms and ecosystems of our world, especially dogs, cats, sharks, and just about every invertebrate, as well as the myriad of single-celled critters. I love marine ecosystems (of course, I live in the desert), aquatic ecosystems, and forest ecosystems. I'm currently trying to connect more deeply with desert ecosystems. I'm a former university professor, a former K-12 teacher, a former marine biologist, a former far too many to even remember, but including factory worker, house painter, golf caddy, soda jerk (I'm dating myself here, real estate agent (my step into the hell realm), retail salesperson, U-Haul worker, medical lab gad-about, pharmaceutical animal caretaker (another hell realm job), biological supply house worker, early computer programmer, and dozens more.

My personal websites are:

You also can find some bits of the virtual me (whomever or whatever that is) at:

My Contributions to Passionate Meanderings

My Articles

Making Sense of Sense-Making -- Thematic Cluster

Teaching & Contexts of Learning

Glimpses of Children's Minds

Losing Our Humanity — Saving Humanity

Focal Theme: Political — Index Page


Entangled Musings

My Snippets

My Poetry & Stories


Stories of Schooling, Teaching, & Learning

My Play-Inquire-Explore pages

Contexts of Schooling

Complex Living Systems

Learning & Thinking

Social & Political Issues

My Reviews

My Blog Posts


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